Thursday, May 31, 2018

Couples Fitness Plan

Couples Fitness Plan 

Couples Fitness Weight Loss Plan Reignites Passion for Healthy Living for this Hitch Fit Online Client!

Amy's Stats:
Starting weight: 132 lbs
Ending weight: 117
Starting waist measurement: 30 inches
Ending waist measurement: 27 inches
Starting hip measurement: 38.75 inches
Ending hip measurement 34.75 inches

Amy's Story:
I have always loved working out and looked into a Hitch Fit program, because I wanted to take my fitness to the next level. I wasn’t exactly sure what that would look like, but I thought it would be fun and challenging to have a set workout plan in place. I was fairly pleased with my body and felt like I was in decent shape. I was excited to start the program and excited to meal prep. I even started getting up really early every morning to get my work outs in before work. However, after just a few days into the plan, I was ready to quit. I honestly think I cried every night during that first week. I was in shock. I felt so deprived knowing that I had to eat within a set plan and did not have the freedom to eat whatever I was craving (most often chocolate chip cookies…). I had never paid attention to the food I was eating and the effects my diet had on my body. The Hitch Fit meal plan required consuming a lot more food than I had ever eaten, and it was overwhelming and stressful to me. My boyfriend encouraged me to give it one more week. He told me that I needed to stick it out, read up on new recipes, and get creative. He kept telling me to “have fun with it”. I decided to keep at it and within the next week I was having no problem staying on plan AND enjoying it! It just took some adjusting to make it work. I started seeing results immediately and those results gave me more motivation to work harder.

Read Amy's Full Story...

Couples Fitness Plan appeared first on Hitch Fit Online Training

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