Friday, April 27, 2018

Weight Loss Over 50

Weight Loss Over 50 

Losing Weight Over 50 Years Old!
This is the question that Vickie Sims posed to me when contemplating if she would do a Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Program. It's pretty obvious that the answer to that question is a resounding YES!!!

I get so excited when I get to share a transformation like Vickie's. At 59 years of age, this mother and grandmother she decided she wanted to see some changes happen in her body and her life, initially she had doubts of if this was something that she could do!! It has been incredible to see her change over the last few months, not just on the outside, but on the inside. Seeing her confidence grow week by week as she realized that she was entirely capable of transforming, that she was so much stronger than she imagined, and that when she could achieve some pretty incredible things when she set her mind to it!! Vickie shed 29 pounds and 14% body fat during the course of her Lose Weight Feel Great transformation, she was glowing the day she came into Hitch Fit for her after pictures!! I'm grateful to God for leading Vickie to Hitch Fit, it has been an honor to be a part of this journey with her. Be prepared to be inspired by this amazing woman!

Weight Loss Over 50 appeared first on Hitch Fit Online Training

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